Linked In set up with your business profile as a PineManor401 rep. link to me PAMaguson

Linked In set up with your business profile as a PineManor401 rep. link to me PAMaguson
Join Meetup with your business profile as a PineManor401 rep
read the website, &
download and watch the pinemanor401 slide show on the bottom of (click the white logo). This is also where the image for the email signature is
Start your three ( or more ) genera contact lists with a total of 50 businesses to contact. name, address, phone number, email is possible. Use google searches, 2nd, 3rd & 4th page results. go deeper to find the ones who really need us and are locally relevant.
Identify local Heavy Metal music contacts. make a list of local metal radio stations, bars, venues, local metal bands contact info street mailing address for post cards. 
listen to the local rock radio stations and make a contact list of all the companies who are advertising on their radio station
make a "big" client wish list of 3 top companies you would want to get onto Rebel Radio. Miller Lite for instance. 
download the phone script and start learning it like a script to a play. You must sound new and fresh every time ever call. 
Print out a few double sided flyers to hand out to friends and relatives as you practice your sales pitchThe first month in sales will be developing your approach, message and technique. A good sales person learns from the previous sales experience and adjusts from there. 

Before the sale

Plan your attach

I suggest a three / six day schedule. If you actually work this like a job, get up and go to work. you will be rolling in money soon. In sales you 100% get out of it what you put into it, so you will do very well if you keep at it on a regular  schedule.

Every Monday by 8am ( So Sunday Night )  - I ask all my reps to email me at least 3 legitimate interested leads to add to our e"blast" welcome data base.  Each prospect submitted will receive a pre-designed template thanking them for speaking with you and a quick overview of Rebel and Connections Marketing. Plus, it will offer a link to listen to Rebel Radio and the free PineManro401 news event posting facebook page. 

Day One

research and writing to one genera
develop a list of who you want to talk to
write an email introduction to that genera - save it as a template in your email
write a thank you for speaking with me email template
write a confirming our appointment email template

Day Two - calling, setting appointments and reply emails

Day Three - Appointment day - Go to your appointments previously made and walk into three businesses you see on the way -cold. ask for the manager and explain who we are. Try to "see" 6 businesses per week.

follow through